February 23, 2024

5 Things to Consider For Interview Videos

Considering an interview-style video for your business? Here are 5 tips to maximise your videos' potential.

1. Failing to Plan Means You’re Planning to Fail

Think about what you’re going to say. No one sounds more untrustworthy when it’s clear they don’t know what they’re talking about. Write it down, practice your lines and you’ll find speaking in front of the camera a lot easier.

2. Great Locations Make Better Videos

Your office may look like the perfect backdrop to you, but what does it look like on camera? Schedule a location recce with your videographer to determine where the best interview location is.

3. You’re Probably Not Even Reading This

You typically lose people’s attention quickly when it comes to marketing content. Video keeps viewers interested for longer. But it’s still vital to get your USPs across early on in the video, ideally the first 20 seconds.

4. Remember to Just Be You. Act Natural.

We’re only human and the people watching you are too. So, the occasional um and uh are okay. Pause and take a breath to ready yourself for the next line. Those parts can always be edited out.

5. Communicate with Your Videographer

We have good ideas! In all seriousness, it’s good to chat through your vision and ideas. There are always different ways of creating your video that you may not have thought of. A collaborative effort always trumps a solo one.