February 23, 2024

4 Ways To Use Video For Your Business

With very high engagement rates, video content is vital for businesses. Here are 4 ways you can utilise video for your business.

1. Video Testimonials

Build trust and credibility for your business. Marketers agree that word-of-mouth is the most powerful marketing tool. We become bias as we trust the opinion of people we know. Testimonials tap into that bias nature because when we’re buying a product or service, we trust the opinions of other customers.

2. Explainer Videos

When users land on your website and social channels, they want to know what you can do for them as quickly as possible. Presenting long paragraphs will only turn them away. So, explain to a visitor what it is you do and how you can positively impact their business in a short explainer video.

3. Campaign Adverts

Advertise to the masses or a targeted audience through video adverts. We know they work, so don’t miss out on an opportunity to put your business in the spotlight. Well produced adverts can push your brand to new levels. Take Cadbury’s “Yes Sir, I Can Boogie” ad - they stay with us for a long time.

4. Tips & Tutorials

Providing advice and tutorials is a great marketing tool to draw attention to your brand. Offering free or paid tips and tutorials gets your business noticed and talked about. It’s 100x better than trying to sell something to someone. Give people advice on how to do something and when they fail miserably, they’ll call the professionals to help -  you.